For the remainder of July, participants will continue to discuss “The End of Poverty” by Jeffrey D. Sachs, choosen by the Social Justice Committee for summer reading and discussion. We have 6 used copies of book circulating and some people have found copies of the book at the library and used book stores. It is available for Kindle as well. You do not have to read the book to participate. We’ll be meeting in the sanctuary at 10:30am with child care available down-stairs. The Hopedale summer is quite informal so casual attire is encouraged. Participants may bring snacks and beverages to share. Ann Fuehrer and Liz Woedl will co-facilitate the Sundays.
Sunday, July 13- We may alight in Bolivia, Russia, Poland, China, India or somewhere in the heart of Africa, the chapter chosen by the June’s participants.
Sunday, July 20- Chapters 11, The Millennium, 9/11 the United Nations; Chapter 12, On-the-Ground Solutions for Ending Poverty.
Sunday, July 27- Chapters 13, Making the Investments Needed to End Poverty; Chapter 14, A Global Compact to End Poverty.