Author Archives: Hopedale

Sunday Service – October 30: “Samhain”

Samhain is a Pagan Sabbat and Gaelic festival marking the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter or the “darker half” of the year.  The old year has passed, the seeds sown during spring (Beltane) have been harvested, cattle and sheep have been brought in from the fields, and the leaves have … Continued

Sunday Service – October 23: “The Oneness of Humankind – Pivot of Baha’i Teaching.”

Come join service leader Sallie Killian and Speakers Janet and Gordon Grey.  You will hear about the Baha’i faith.  The history, teachings, writings and how Baha’i principles draw together all dimensions of the human family in down-to-Earth spiritual communities.  “Let your vision be world embracing” – spoke Baha’u’llah, one the main founders of Baha’i faith.  … Continued

Sunday Service, October 9: Science: “An inoculation against charlatans.”

Neil DeGrasse Tyson says that science is an inoculation against charlatans. When we have scientific habits of mind, we have the tools to evaluate evidence and decide for ourselves what to believe. Join Jennifer Blue and service leader Nancy Eicher as we talk about science and honor our departed friend John Eicher. A special collection … Continued

Sunday Service October 2: “Dracula, Popular Culture, and the Presidential Race”

Bram Stoker’s classic horror novel “Dracula” was published more than a century ago, but it played on psychological traits that are still with us today.  Rev. Dennis, Minister Emeritus at the U U Congregation of Columbus, Indiana, will ponder what Dracula reveals about American culture in the 21st century. Service Leader: Sallie Killian.

Sunday Service, September 18: “The Lesson of Water.”

Come join service leader Jennifer Blue and speaker Diane Wright on September 18, International Water Quality Monitoring Day.  We will reflect on the lessons and importance of water, and the nature of our relationship to it and with it.  Kids will have a chance to use a water-testing kit to look at qualities of water … Continued

Sunday Service, September 11: “Simple Living.”

Rock and Water Service:  We welcome each other back from our summer break.  Please bring a rock and/or water representing your adventures and explorations.  Service leader:  Susan Thrasher.

Sunday Service, September 4: “Honoring Labor Day”

The guest speaker will be Marry Harris Jones. Join Mother Jones as she shares her experience as a union activist and speaks in the courtyard of Charlestown, West Virginia to the striking miners of Paint Creek and Cabin Creek. Ponder what message Mother Jones would give today.  Service Leaders: Libby Earle and Russ VieBrooks.

Sunday Service, August 28: “General Assembly.”

This summer’s General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist  Association was held in Columbus, Ohio, with the theme “Heartland; Where Faiths  Connect.”  Hopedale’s attendees will fill us in on the workshops, worship, and work to be done for interfaith co-operation and racial justice.  Service Leader Genevieve O’Malley.