Sunday Service, August 10 “Addiction–What is it? What is it not?”

Holly Wilson, a staff member at Butler County Alcohol and Drug Addiction Services (as well as a founding member of this community), will share some of her knowledge about addiction and its impact on individuals and families.  This is a follow-up to our service on Al-Anon and AA last spring.  After that presentation, there were … Continued

Sunday Service August 3, 2014 “Listening challenges.”

When Alix Klingenberg was here in May to talk about listening as a spiritual practice we did not include a congregational reaction as part of the service, but it seems there was more to say about our individual blocks to good listening.  During this service we will recap some of her ideas and explore them … Continued

Sunday Services in July 2014

For the remainder of July, participants will continue to discuss “The End of Poverty” by Jeffrey D. Sachs, choosen by the Social Justice Committee for summer reading and discussion. We have 6 used copies of book circulating and some people have found copies of the book at the library and used book stores. It is … Continued

Tending Our Hopedale Garden

Sunday, June 22- We’ll take a break from the book and celebrate the Summer Solstice by working together in the Hopedale vegetable and flower gardens. We share our community garden with all who need fresh food and are willing to pitch in with some help and tending. Kids are invited to help out with their … Continued

Sundays in June – “The End of Poverty.”

The Social Justice Committee has made plans for the summer Social Justice Sundays, choosing a book “The End of Poverty” by Jeffrey D. Sachs for summer reading and discussion. With most of our justice activity focused on food inequities, it seemed like a good place to start.  We have purchased 6 used copies of the … Continued

Sunday Serivice, May 25 “Soul Listening.”

Alix Klingenberg, now finishing her first year as a seminary student at Meadville-Lombard, will speak about listening as a spiritual practice based on Cari Jackson’s book, The Gift to Listen, the Courage to Hear.  What are the ways in which we prevent deep connections with people through toxic conversation styles? How can we make listening … Continued

About Flower Communion

The Unitarian Universalist Flower Communion service was originated in 1923 by Dr. Norbert Capek founder of the modern Unitarian movement in Czechoslovakia (now the Czech Republic). On the last Sunday before the summer recess of the Unitarian church in Prague, all the children and adults participated in this colorful ritual, which gives concrete expression to … Continued

Sunday Service, May 18 “Universalism: Past, Present and Powerful.”

The Rev. Kalen Fristad, author of “Destined for Salvation: God’s Promise to Save Everyone,” will visit to speak on the the history and significance of the teaching of Universalism. Rev. Fristad has been a United Methodist minister for more than 37 years. He is a member of the Unitarian Universalist Christian Fellowship and president of … Continued