Sunday Service, April 27 “Seeds of Spring.”

We will mark Earth Day this year with a return visit from Alfredo Heurta, Miami University Associate Professor of Botany. Huerta is a leader of Save Seeds Now! That new non-profit is dedicated to the promotion of sustainable agriculture through education about participatory plant breeding. Linda Amspaugh is service leader. An RE Sunday.

Sunday, April 20th

Rejoice! It’s Spring!  Music will be the centerpiece of an energetic, intergeneational spring celebration in Kumler Chapel Sunday, 650 Western College Drive, at 10:30 a.m (Enter the drive from Patterson Ave. by the Art Museum.)  The Hopedale Unitarian Universalist Community welcomes all interested Miami students and Oxford residents to participate and rejoice in the change … Continued

Sunday Service: April 13-Baseball, Instant Replay, and the Subjectivity of Reality..

This year Major League Baseball will begin to use instant replay in some situations. Hopedale member Genevieve O’Malley Knight will preach against this practice and explore what baseball teaches us about the subjective nature of the human experience of reality, and what this might mean for our behavior. An RE Sunday.

Sunday Service, April 6: Protest Singer: Pete Seeger.

We will mark UU Justice Sunday with a service by the Rev. Denise Tracy centered on Seeger, a longtime Unitarian Universalist whose life exemplified justice and equality.  Service Leader:  Judi Hetrick.  Also, special music will be played by Allan Winkler.

Sunday Service, March 30 “Circle Worship; Personal Authority Part 2”

Following up on our February 9th service, we’ll again address the issue of personal authority in a circle worship led by Ann Fuehrer. How is personal authority related to spirituality? How do we develop personal authority?  Of what does your personal authority consist?  Are you pleased with it?  How do others experience your personal authority? … Continued

Sunday Service, March 23 “Women Hold Up Half the Sky”

Join the Rev. Denise Tracy at our celebration of Women’s History Month continues.  We will lift up the idea of the sixth UU principle: World community with peace, liberty and justice for all. We will explore what the world might be like if equality really existed.  Children’s RE class day.

Sunday Service, March 16 “Day of The Book Smugglers”

In Lithuania, March 16 is celebrated as “The Day of the Book Smugglers,” commemorating efforts to smuggle Lithuanian language books into the country during the late 19th Century, when Russia banned Lithuanian books and education.  What do our books mean to us now? Who gets to decide what we read? Join Diane Wright for a day of … Continued

Sunday Service, March 9 “Women’s Equality and our First Principle.”

To celebrate Women’s History Month, we welcome back to our pulpit Dr. Kathy McMahon Klosterman. She has stood and marched for equality for many years.  Her co-presenter is Joane McQueen, long-time activist and well-known Oxford resident. They will help Hopedale speak up for our UU first principle: “To affirm and promote the inherent worth and dignity of every … Continued

Sunday Service, March 2 “Hopedale, We are our Stories.”

We’ll celebrate the 24 years since our congregation’s founding – and look to the future – by sharing stories of where we come from, and why people are with us today. Founders and early members will talk about how it all began. Other stories or reasons for attending will come from everyone – including you, … Continued

Sunday, February 23 “Everyone’s right to safe water.”

The Unitarian Universalist Service Committee says that access to safe, affordable water is a human right. But water resources are endangered not just in far away countries, but also close to home.  We will explore this important topic with the help of Jonathan Levy, associate professor in Miami University’s Department of Geology and Environmental Earth … Continued