Sunday Service, January 6: OGADE

January 6: OGADE. January 6th –– the day after “Twelfth Night” –– is celebrated as Epiphany or Three Kings Day all around the world, with crown and star symbols abounding.  Consequently, it is also a time of gifting. OGADE (the Oxford Gourd and Drum Ensemble) again joins forces with the Hopedale Community and Unitarian Universalist Service Committee … Continued

Empty Bowls Move to the Cupboard

Most of our stash of Empty Bowls will be stored until next year but we’ll keep a few out in the sanctuary to remind us that we’ve got them. Just let Liz Woedl know if you’d like to purchase one prior to next year’s sale.

Sunday Service, December 30- End of the Year.

Donne Hayden will join us again as we prepare for the end to 2012 and the start of yet another new year. The service begins at 10:30am and is followed by a coffee hour. Children’s Religious Education and Childcare are available.

Sunday Service, December 23 – All Generational Christmas-like Service.

We will have our traditional Christmas eve service on Sunday morning this year. Join us, including our choir, for stories and song and community.  Service leader Patty Klingenberg. The service begins at 10:30am and is followed by a coffee hour. Children’s Religious Education and Childcare are available.  

Sunday Service, December 16- Woody Guthrie

The Woody Guthrie Centennial year is almost at an end. But we won’t let it go by without hearing from historian and folk music aficionado Allan Winkler about Guthrie’s career and contributions to American culture. Winkler will bring along his guitar and will perform some of Guthrie’s songs. He’ll probably have us singing along, too!  … Continued

Sunday Service, December 9 – Feeding the Wolves

December 9 is International  Anti-Corruption Day.  As we get close to the longest nights of the year, Diane Wright will invite us to think about the darkness inside each of us, and how we can support each other — and ourselves — on brighter, more peaceful paths. The service begins at 10:30am and is followed by … Continued

Hillary Rodham Clinton Holiday Cookie Exchange!

Sunday, December 9, 7:00-9:00 pm at Jennifer Blue’s house. Bring cookies, take the same number of cookies home with you! Jennifer will provide beverages and light snacks – additional other snacks are welcome but only your presence is required. All Hopedale members and friends are welcome. R.s.v.p. to Jennifer: or 513-593-3220.  

Sunday Service, December 2 – “On Principle”

We will kick off a series of seven services titled “ON PRINCIPLE,” which will examine the 7 Principles of the UUA. We are scheduling one a month for the rest of the program year.  We will start with a circle worship discussing a free and  responsible search for truth and meaning. Questions we will explore … Continued

Sunday, Novermber 25

“Bent Ain’t Broken and Hope Never Ends” In a world where good does not always win, justice often gets lost, and inhumanity may seem overwhelmingly present, where do we find our source of hope? Join Amy Shaw, student minister currently serving with St John’s UU church in Cincinnati, as she explores sources of strength, renewal, … Continued

Sunday November 18

“Event of the Qur’an”:  Newell Booth, retired professor of religion at Miami, will share insights about his area of expertise, Islam.  Join us to learn more about the prophetic career of Mohammad.  Patty Klingenberg, service leader. The service begins at 10:30am and is followed by a coffee hour. Children’s Religious Education and Childcare are available.