Silent Auction for Hopedale

Mary Fox and Liz Woedl have hung a few of their drawings and paintings from the Thursday art group in the Sanctuary. Framed and mounted, the pieces are available by silent auction with bid sheets attached. Final bids but must be made in by Sunday, November 25, Noon. Mary and Liz will be donating all proceeds to … Continued

Social Justice Committee to meet 11/18

Social Justice Committee, Hopedale UU Community, the next meeting is on Sunday, November 18, just after the 3rd Sunday Potluck, approximately 12:30pm. Anyone interested in Social Justice planning and discussion may attend. 

Oxford Empty Bowls

Saturday, November 10, 2012 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Oxford United Methodist Church Cost: $10 adults; children 10 & under may choose and fill a bowl for free. Oxford Empty Bowls is a benefit soup luncheon dedicated to hungry people in our community. It is held in cooperation with Miami University’s “Make a Difference Day” and … Continued

Sunday, November 11

“Reaching for the Numinous.”  Numinous means awe-inspiring, mysterious,  or arousing spiritual or religious emotions.  This experience is not exclusive to the religious.  When Carl Sagan and Albert Einstein experienced the numinous in a secular manner, in their awe they described the wonders of the universe. We believe the best way to inspire people to conserve … Continued

Sunday Service, November 4 – Remembrances

November 4 – “Memories and Inspiration.” As the season moves toward winter and the days shorten, our thoughts turn to memories of those who are no longer with us. Please plan to share your remembrances, along with pictures, souvenirs, mementos and other tokens of loved ones no longer with us, as we discuss the inspiration … Continued

Sunday Service, October 28 – Ghosts of Halloween Past

October 28 – Ghosts of Hallowe’en Past. The Rev. Joan Kahn-Schneider, consulting minister with the Northern Hills Fellowship, will get us ready for the big day. She says: “I have never been a big fan of Hallowe’en. In fact, I don’t like it at all. There are just too many ghosts. Nonetheless Hallowe’en comes every year, like it or … Continued

Sunday Service, October 21 – Biblical Views of Marriage

Biblical Views of Marriage: They May Not Be What You Think. Earlham School of Religion Old Testament Professor Nancy Bowen will join us to talk about this topic that is so often in the news. Bowen earned her B.A. from the University of California, a master of divinity degree from the School of Theology at Claremont, and her Ph.D. from … Continued

Sunday Service, October 14 – A Modern 10 Commandments

A Modern 10 Commandments. How would commandments pronounced today differ from the traditional 10? John Eicher will provoke conversation with his talk about the possibilities. The service begins at 10:30am and is followed by a coffee hour. Children’s Religious Education and Childcare are available.

Sunday Service, October 7 – A Traveler’s View of Religion in China.

October 7, 10:30 a.m. – A Traveler’s View of Religion in China. The Cultural Revolution wiped out visible evidence of religion in China, but today’s tourist economy counts it. Judi Hetrick will share observations from the three weeks in May she and others from Earlham College spent in Shanghai, Nanjing and Yunan Province. Children’s Religious Education and Childcare are available.

Sunday Service September 30 From Logos to Legos

Building Your Own Bible. Unitarian Universalists draw from many sources as we search for personal truth and meaning, among them wisdom from the world’s religions which inspires us in our ethical and spiritual life. But how do we make this wisdom personal? Can we create our own Bibles? And where do the Legos fit in? … Continued