Sunday Service: December 27: “Holiday Revels.”

Join us for singing, Reader’s Theater of a Mummer’s play, merriment, and victuals.  All are welcome to join in the action.  Let Susan Thrasher or Linda Amspaugh know if you wish to participate.

Christmas Eve Service: 6:30 pm

December 24:  Intergenerational Christmas Eve Service at 6:30 p.m. Come celebrate Christmas with songs, readings, and more songs.  This is an intergenerational service. Service Leaders: Genevieve O’Malley Knight and Jennifer Blue. All are welcome to bring cookies to share afterward.

Sunday Service, December 20: “Winter Solstice: Symbols of the Season.”

Join in an intergenerational celebration of all the symbols of the season from cultures past and present.  Throughout the ages people have responded to the withdrawal of the light and also have nurtured a desire to share and give gifts to others.  Could it be that the world in its diversity has always been celebrating … Continued

Sunday Service December 6: “ Human Rights Halfway Around the World .”

This past summer Aaron Kawamura quickly took the opportunity to travel to the capital of Mongolia for two months, only knowing that he would be there for two months and would volunteer for Amnesty International. During that time he lived with a host family and explored the country. He joins us this Sunday to to … Continued

Sunday Service November 22: “Giving Thanks, Practicing Gratitude.”

November 22:  “Giving Thanks, Practicing Gratitude.”  Hopedale members Celia Ellison and Genevieve O’Malley Knight will present our intergenerational Thanksgiving service.  We’ll distribute Guest at Our Table boxes, share our traditional Thanksgiving web, and reflect on what happens when gratitude becomes a daily spiritual practice.  Service leader: Genevieve O’Malley Knight.

Sunday Service November 15: “Circuit Rider of the Past.”

Source musician Ralph Stanley from Coeburn, Virginia in the heart of the Clinch Mountains has performed some 150 shows annually since 1946. He holds honorary doctorates from two universities, received the National Medal of the Arts, is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and belongs to the Primitive Baptist Universalist Church. … Continued

Sunday Service November 8: “Orthophonic Joy.”

In the first of two services exploring Appalachian lives, music and religion, Curt Ellison considers a two-week 1927 Victor field recording session in Bristol, Tennessee that produced the Carter Family and Jimmie Rodgers, reshaped the direction of recorded popular music, and gave Bristol its designation as the “Birthplace of Country Music.”  Service leader: Celia Ellison. … Continued