November 1: Sunday Service, November 1: Voting Rights and Wrongs 2015”

As Ohio becomes ground zero in another Presidential election, the March 15 primary and July 18 Republican Convention in Cleveland will draw national attention. Remarkably, the state parties agreed on a bi-partisan November 3 referendum on redistricting to remedy gerrymandering, and a lawsuit preserved early voting.  Republicans continue to promote changes that Democrats regard as … Continued

Sunday Service, October 18: “The Ties that Bind: Thoughts on Ties and Clerical Collars on International Necktie Day.”

On October 18, many countries throughout the world recognize International Necktie Day, and people consider the history of this fashion accessory.  Join Diane Wright as we consider the meanings behind neckwear of all kinds, and how our “outerwear” reflects — or doesn’t reflect — our inner journeys.  Have a meaningful bolo tie?  A bowtie with … Continued

Sunday Service, October 11- “What I’ve Learned Since I Retired.”

When you’re retired and the children are gone, you have some time to think; you have time to pursue interests beyond those of family and job. Jim Blue (Jennifer’s father) retired in 1999 after a research career at Bell Labs and the     National Bureau of Standards/NIST, mostly doing mathematical modeling of physical systems. He’s … Continued

Sunday Service, October 4: “Circle Worship on Creativity.”

“What does it mean to be a creative person? To act creatively? To foster creativity in others?”  A Circle Worship on the topic of Creativity; after a brief introduction, the congregation will form small groups and discuss the meaning of this concept for themselves and for UUs in general. There will be some “starter” discussion … Continued

Sunday Service, September 27: “Feeding those in Need.”

Bob Ratterman, Executive Director of the Oxford Community Choice Pantry, will tell us about the work of the Choice Pantry and the customers it serves.  He will make us aware of the needs of Oxford area families whose members are food insecure, and he will tell us about the ways by which the Pantry meets … Continued

Sunday Service, September 20: “General Assembly.”

This past summer’s General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations was held in Portland, Oregon, and Hopedale’s delegate, Genevieve O’Malley Knight, attended, participated, and voted from right here in Hopedale’s sanctuary.  Come learn more about GA’s Social Justice actions, opportunities for connecting with and learning from our larger movement, and get excited for … Continued

Sunday Service, September 13: “Holy Food to Health Food: Considering the sacred nature of chocolate on International Chocolate Day.”

Montezuma drank it for strength; an early Roman Bishop declared that drinking chocolate didn’t count as breaking a religious fast; and today, in popular culture, chocolate plays a role in religious feats and romantic courtship.  September 13 is International Chocolate Day, and we’ll consider all the ways even a common sweet treat can be a … Continued

CROP Hunger Walk

Oxford’s annual CROP Hunger Walk takes place on Saturday, September 12, 2015 at 10:00 am at Millett Hall on Miami’s Campus. Proceeds from the Walk will go to the Oxford Community Choice Pantry. If you would like to walk, to sponsor a walker, or make a donation, email Ann Fuehrer at before September 12. Ann will … Continued