
Sunday Service July 26 “A UU Fieldtrip”

Sunday, July 26 “The History of UUs in Oxford, Reily and Hamilton:  A Field Trip with Liz Woedl”  We will begin at Hopedale at 9:30 am and carpool to six local sites that represent the history of UUs in Oxford, Reily and Hamilton.  After our historical visits, we will gather for lunch at J Austin … Continued

Sunday Service in July

For the fifth summer in a row, the Social Justice Committee will use alternate worship formats to explore issues of justice, and to put our affirmation into practice. Sundays, July 5, 12 and 19 “Building a Movement to End the New Jim Crow.” We will continue working through Daniel Hunter’s organizing guide to build a … Continued

Sunday, June 28 “Building a Movement to End the New Jim Crow.”

We will continue working through Daniel Hunter’s organizing guide to build a movement to end the new Jim Crow.  Chapter 3 is Creating effective campaigns. Stick around from Noon-1:30 for the UUA General Assembly Sunday Morning Worship.  We’ll be virtually joining the largest annual gathering of Unitarian Universalists as we live-stream the worship service being … Continued

Sunday, June 21 Evening intergenerational “Celebration of Light.”

Libby Earle will help us celebrate the summer solstice with our third-Sunday potluck at 6:00 pm, followed by a May Pole and bonfire service.  The bonfire will be friendly for s’mores so bring marshmallow sticks–we will have the makings.  Please bring bug spray.

Sunday, June 14 “Garden and fire circle stewardship.”

Intergenerational teamwork to tend our garden and prepare a fire circle for our solstice service.  Breakfast will be available at Hopedale at 8 am, and we will work outside early to labor before the heat of the day.  At 10:30 or so, we will gather inside for a brief worship to reflect on the spirituality … Continued

Sunday Service, June 7 “Building a Movement to End the New Jim Crow.”

On June 7 and 28, we will work through Daniel Hunter’s organizing guide to build a movement to end the new Jim Crow.  The Social Action Committee has purchased 10 copies of  the 71-page guide for attendees.  On June 7, we will discuss and work with Chapter 1, Roles in movement building, and Chapter 2, … Continued

Sunday Service, May 31 “Creating Hopedale into the future.”

At the Congregational meeting on April 26, we began to talk about our hopes for the future of Hopedale.  Let’s continue that process.  As our minds open up with the transition from spring to summer, let’s creatively reflect on the now Hopedale and imagine our future.  Bring a poem to read that reflects your feelings … Continued

Sunday Service – May 24 “Dedication: Leaning Toward the Future.”

Diane Wright will join us, and the congregation will be participating in the ceremony of Dedication, where the congregation dedicates itself to the support of a new child.  Come join us as we consider the ways our commitments and actions today support a brighter future.

Sunday Service – May 17 “Flower Communion.”

A favorite Unitarian Universalist ritual is Flower Communion. It’s a time to celebrate spring, a time to affirm the principles of our liberal faith, and a time to remember the ritual’s founder, Dr. Norbert Capek, who was killed by the Nazis in 1942. In our service this year, we will blend reflections on the Flower … Continued