
Social Justice Activies May 15 & May 16

What: Hands Across the Land demonstration for clean energy When: Saturday May 16 11AM to Noon Where: Memorial Uptown Park is located in city center. Oxford . GATHER ON SIDE WALK. DO NOT OBSTRUCT WALK. [Friday Evening before event there will be a poster making party 6PM at Hopedale with pizza.  RSVP to Libby Earle.]

Sunday Service – April 26 – “Re-imagining Nature.”

Michael Pollan’s Second Nature never made it to the best-seller status that his later works have attained, but this early book contains ideas for ways that individual homeowners can make the world better for our fellow species, both plant and animal. In honor of Earth Day, Patty Klingenberg will present his argument about rethinking our … Continued

Sunday Service-April 19 – “Shedding Light on Expeditus”

A soldier,  a martyr, and over 1700 years of “saintdom by mistake”; the legend of St. Expeditus will be our topic, on the Feast Day of this Armenian martyr.  His story, and the story of the subsequent misunderstandings that led to the cult of Expeditus, give us examples of how our need for the sacred … Continued

Sunday Service, April 12 -“What Moves You to Move?”

Touring recording artist Andrew  McKnight comes from his home in the Blue Ridge Mountains to lead us in a musical service.  He will explore with us the driving force that makes us stand up and take action, or in his words:  “Will ‘We the People’ ever again rise up and march a million strong for … Continued

Service, Sunday April 5 – A Circle Worship “Consider Your Resurrections”

A Circle Worship “Consider Your Resurrections” Resurrection is a process preceded by death of some sort.  Yet dying happens also in ways not  physical:  as in losing a profession or a long-held job; having a painful divorce; questioning one’s religion as no longer enriching; emotional pain becomes intolerable; recognizing effects of one’s low self-esteem, etc.  … Continued

Sunday Service, March 29 – “Personal Choices, Social Conventions, and Moral Imperatives: Examining Possibilities and Evaluating Actions.”

In trying to live an ethically and socially responsible life, it is often necessary to evaluate our actions to determine which decisions involve choices about preferences that have little societal impact, behaviors that have group membership consequences, and actions that may be universally right but that may have negative personal or social consequences. Doris Bergen … Continued

Sunday Service, March 15- “The Inherent Worth and Dignity of Every Person.”

Professor Emeritus Kathy McMahon Klosterman, long-time friend of  Hopedale and frequent presenter here during women’s history month, joins us this morning.  Professor McMahon Klosterman has taught Women’s Studies at Miami, and has marched for Equality.  In support of the Unitarian Universalist  lst Principle,”the inherent worth and  dignity of every person,” Professor  McMahon Klosterman reminds us … Continued