December 28: “Gifts Outside the Box.”
An exciting intergenerational service with lots of drums, music, and a message from Lauren Marsh. Service Leader is Peter Carels.
An exciting intergenerational service with lots of drums, music, and a message from Lauren Marsh. Service Leader is Peter Carels.
Come celebrate Christmas with songs, readings, and more songs. This is an intergenerational service. Service Leaders: Genevieve O’Malley Knight and Jennifer Blue. All are welcome to bring cookies to share afterward.
A sing-along service of holiday music and stories for all ages. Bring cookies if you wish. Service leader: Susan Thrasher.
This is the Feast Day of St. Spyridon, a third century shepherd of Cyprus, who is now the patron saint of potters. Legend has it that he used pottery to demonstrate sacred truths. We will talk about the meanings of those things we make with our hands… and who knows, maybe even create a little … Continued
The Qur’an is esteemed by Muslims as God’s Word — literally. Yet many Americans are completely unfamiliar with the holy book, leading them to fear that Islam is a religion of hate and violent jihad. Michael Birkel, professor of religion at Earlham College, spent months on a conversational pilgrimage across North American to learn from … Continued
The phrase is Latin for “Remember you will die.” Donne Hayden, of Cincinnati Friends meeting, will join us to consider how thinking about one’s own death can enrich one’s life, or as Annie Dillard put it: “Spend the afternoon. You can’t take it with you.” Service Leader: Patty Klingenberg.
Intergenerational Thanksgiving service with music, meditation, web of gratitude/caring, distribution of Guest at your Table boxes with participation by the children. Service leader: Celia Ellison.
For those of you who missed the “Planning your own Funeral” Workshop on November 15th, you’ll have a second chance to let the world know what is important to you. Linda Amspaugh will lead us through the process of choosing what might be included in your obituary as well as considering how we might live … Continued
Dana Sinclair is the Community Outreach Coordinator for the NATCO Community Center in Richmond, IN, where she serves as Circles Whitewater Valley Coach. She will bring the message, “Empowering Those In Poverty.” …. How close do you, do we want to be to the poor? …How do we engage personally with the poor? …What is … Continued
November 2 is the birthday of Daniel Boone, whose life and adventures are an example of the tendency to lift up and exaggerate. Diane Wright will join us to look at his life story, and look at the ways our tendency to mythologize and “stretch” real life stories plays into our cultural and religious traditions. … Continued