
The Summing Up

July 29, Web of Life: Session #5: Lessons Learned, Next Steps and Evaluation. We will discuss the meaning of “accountability” for our congregation and identify priority areas for becoming more accountable. We’ll develop an action plan of how the insights raised in the group can be shared with the broader congregation and inform our justice work in the world. Beginning at 10:30am, … Continued

Hopedale Reflects

July 22, Web of Life: Session #4: Theological Reflections, Re-Focusing on “Race. We’ll explore the racial and environmental justice implications of our congregation’s behavior reflecting on spiritual and ethical challenges related to environmental justice work. We’ll model a spiritual practice/meditation related to appreciating where one sits in the web of life and set the stage for future study, action and sustained spiritual deepening. Beginning … Continued

What is Hopedale’s Impact?

July 15, Web of Life: Session #3: Mapping Congregational Environmental Impact. We will develop a first‐hand understanding of our congregation’s reliance on basic natural resources and the ecological, social, health and economic consequences of this reliance. How is Hopedale connected to various human communities close‐by and far away? Beginning at 10:30am, the Web of Life sessions are open to the public. Please bring a … Continued

Immigration as a Moral Issue

July 8, Immigration Update. This summer, Unitarian Universalists converged in Phoenix, Arizona for a Justice General Assembly, five days of social justice education, witnessing, and worship and focused immigration or issues related to immigration. MJ Pierson, president of the UU Council of Greater Cincinnati, was at GA and will share with us what happened there. We’ll discuss current concerns and … Continued

Ordination of Bruce Beisner

On Saturday, June 9, 2012, approximately 22 people from Hopedale witnessed Bruce Beisner’s ordination at St. John’s in Cincinnati along with many, many other Cinicinnati area UUs and others, including his parents and brother. Bruce was our student minister, 2021 – 2012. It was a wonderful service!  The readings, messages, music and energy combined to … Continued

The Garden and Fellowship

July 1, Community Garden Stewardship. We share our community garden with all who need fresh food and are willing to pitch in with some help and tending. Kids are invited to help out with their parents. In spite of the dry weather, the vegetable garden persists. We have a few tools but encourage you to bring you own. We will … Continued

UU Principles and Citizenship

Sunday, June 24- “Democratic Citizenship” Joe Wegwert, now living in Flagstaff, will talk to us about intersections between UU principles and democratic citizenship including a look at current issues. Coming on the heels of the UUA’s Social Justice General Assembly in Phoenix and, in the context of Arizona politics, we’ll experience an opportune moment though an interesting … Continued

Hopedale Builds a House

Hopedale has been scheduled to help at the Oxford Habitat site four times: June 16, June 30, July 21 and August 18. On July 21, we need to bring not only house builders but lunch for the whole interfaith work crews, about 25 people. For more information CLICK HERE.

The Role of Stuff

Sunday, June 17- “WEB OF LIFE,” Session #2: The Role of Stuff in Everyday Life. We will explore some of our individual and collective behaviors as well as our ethics/values that are influenced by our socio‐economic, cultural, religious,historical and generational “place” in the web of life and also begin to discuss the impact of our values … Continued

Exploring the Web of Life

Sunday, June 10- “WEB OF LIFE,” Session # 1: Creating a Learning Community. We will explore the spiritual/theological dimensions of why environmental justice work is important; begin discussion of the interconnected nature of human values and the limited resources of our planet and discover the role of gratitude as a response to issues of environmental … Continued