
Summer Sundays Begin

June 3- “Community Garden Stewardship” Hopedale maintains a community garden to share will all who need fresh food and are willing to pitch in with some help and tending. We’ll tidy up the flower and vegetable gardens then build a new scarecrow. The kids are invited to help out with their parents. We have a few tools but encourage … Continued

Service this Sunday, May 27th

May 27-“Where Shall We Have Lunch Today?” Our spiritual development and our dining habits pass through various stages – are you nourishing your journey? Join Amy Shaw, intern minister at St John’s UU Church, in an exploration of UU spiritual and faith development. Service leader:  Patty Klingenberg.

Bruce Beisner to be Ordained

The members of St. John’s Unitarian Universalist Church and Heritage Universalist Unitarian Church invite you to celebrate with us the Ordination of Robert Bruce Beisner to the Unitarian Universalist ministry on Saturday, June 9, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. at St. John’s Unitarian Universalist Church, 320 Resor Avenue in Cincinnati, Ohio. Reception to follow. Child care provided.

Service This Sunday, May 20

“Escape Plan.”   Do we have any control over our actions? Our guest speaker, Dave Walsh, uses Biblical and Buddhist writings, as well as personal stories, to explore how people escape from their ruts. Dave is currently a student at Earlham School of Religion studying for a Master of Divinity.  Please join us for a potluck … Continued

Bruce Beisner’s Final Service – Sunday, May 6th

“Shoulda’ Been Me” Student Minister Bruce Beisner It has been an honor and a joy to have served this year as your minister. As we prepare to say farewell and move on to new adventures, I’ve been thinking a lot about letting go and holding on. A certain feeling of “shoulda, woulda, couldas” always seems to accompany … Continued

Service This Sunday, April 29

“Our Contributions to the UU Ministry for Earth.”  Spring flowers are out, birds are back, prepared to nest again, and Hopedale UUs should celebrate outcomes of our Green Sanctuary work.  We will reflect on new dimensions of our Sunday morning services, our flower, memorial, and vegetable gardens, our ongoing interfaith collaborations on climate risks, our … Continued

Service This Sunday, April 22

Earth Day:  “Our Blue Boat Home.”  Jacob Trapp wrote, “To worship is to stand in awe under a heaven of stars, before a flower, a leaf in sunlight or a grain of sand.” Getting in touch with the sacred often happens when we are able to witness the enormity and grandeur of the living world … Continued

Service This Sunday, April 15

“The Interdependence of All Things” is, of course a UU principle, and also a core belief of many Native American traditions. Fred A. Shaw (Neeake), a storyteller from the Shawnee culture and a retired United Methodist minister, will join us for a unique preparation for Earth Day. Service Leader:  Liz Woedl. This will be an … Continued

Service This Sunday, April 8

“Being Born Again.”  Easter is a time of re-birth and renewal. As we witness the natural world around us bloom with new life and new beauty, we will reflect on our own need for transformation and spiritual revitalization. How do we find strength and inspiration in those moments when we need to begin again? We … Continued

Service This Sunday, April 1

“Prayerfully Pro-Choice” with guest speaker Joan Kahn-Schneider.  Few issues seem to affect voters more than reproductive rights.  More than a few will cast their ballot on this single issue.  At the same time I have heard few thoughtful discussions on the subject.  Rather, a woman’s right to choose has disintegrated to political sound bites.  Choice … Continued