
Sunday Service, March 25, 2012

“Welcoming a Stranger.”  Please join us as we welcome back to Hopedale Kaeden Kass, Education Chair for Spectrum (Miami’s undergraduate GLBTQ student organization).  Kaeden is bringing several other panel members for a Q & A discussion that continues our March theme of “welcoming the stranger”. Service leader Cindie Ulreich.

Sunday Service, March 18, 2012

“Born This Way.”  “I’m beautiful in my way, ‘cause God makes no mistakes, I’m on the right track, baby, I was born this way. Don’t hide yourself in regret, just love yourself and you’re set, I’m on the right track baby, I was born this way.” Student Minister Bruce Beisner will explore the theology behind … Continued

Sunday Service March 11, 2012

“The Book by its Cover.” Physical attributes provide multiple clues within our highly social human network about what we might expect from any individual. Some of these are controllable (dress, for instance) and others are not. Let us think together about ways in which we judge others and are ourselves judged by the complexity of … Continued

Sunday Service March 4, 2012

“Immigration Justice: Neighbors, Economics and Spiritual Hospitality.”  This weekend, a diverse interfaith alliance led by local Unitarian Universalists will be focusing on immigration reform with a day-long conference on Saturday and a public witness on Sunday afternoon in Cincinnati. At Hopedale, we will explore our spiritual call to “love our neighbors,” the systems of oppression … Continued

Sunday Service February 26

“Unitarian Universalism: A Journey Away from Christianity.” Two hundred years ago, Unitarians were Christians who followed Jesus but did not worship him. Universalists were Christians who believed all souls go to heaven. Today’s UUs hold a rainbow of theological perspectives from humanists to pagans to mystics. How does our religion’s name keep up defined in … Continued

Sunday Service February 19

“Begging Your Pardon.” What does it mean to pardon someone, to lift a story up out of history? On February 19, 1999, President Clinton issued a presidential pardon for Army Lieutenant Henry Ossian Flipper, the first African American to graduate from West Point. He had been unjustly courtmartialed over 100 years earlier. Diane Wright, a … Continued

Sunday Service February 12

”A broader view of love.” In honor of Valentine’s Day we will consider the complexities of love in community. Jennifer Blue will lead a circle worship centering on what we love about Hopedale. Adult RE, 1:30pm to 3:30pm, on book “A Chosen Faith.”

Sunday Service February 5

February 5 -“Where Do We Come From? Where Are We Going?”  Thomas Starr King is famous for observing “Universalists believe God is too good to damn them while Unitarians think they are too good to be damned.” With the merging of our two great faiths 50 years ago, we have grown even less concerned with … Continued

Sunday Service January 29

“We’re All in This Together.”  Universalism teaches that we are interdependent creatures. The US Constitution states our commitment to “promote the general welfare.” Our culture has turned its back on the principle of sharing our abundance and replaced it with excessive capitalism which benefits some at the expense of others. How are we called, as … Continued

Sunday Service January 22

“Lessons from the Struggle for Civil Rights: Movement and Change for Immigrant Rights in the 21st Century” Although there are definite parallels between these two movements for human rights, there are key differences that must be addressed if the immigrant right’s movement is to move forward. Guest Shelly Jarrett Bromberg is an associate professor of Spanish and … Continued