
Sunday Service-January 15th

“Becoming Anti-Racist.”  Theologian Thandeka has called racism “America’s birth defect.” Today, racial discrimination is often more camouflaged and subtle than in the past, but it is still present in our communities and affects all our lives. We’ll explore how naming oppression and acknowledging its destructive effects can help us continue the work of dismantling the … Continued

Back to Regular Sunday Service-January 8 10:30 a.m

January 8 at 10:30am “Welcoming Congregation, Part two.”  Several years ago, we worked hard to become a welcoming congregation. This service will allow us to look, once again, at what it means to be welcoming. Miami Student Kaeden Kass, Spectrum’s Education Chair, will speak to us about what it means to be welcomed, as well … Continued

The New Year’s Day Movie

Pole participants have chosen “Iron Jawed Angels” for the New Year’s Day movie adventure at Hopedale Sunday, January 1, 2012, 2:30pm. See women fight for and win the right to vote! Since the film is all best for teens and grown ups, we will have something for the children downstairs. Popcorn will be served but participants may … Continued

Special Christmas EVE Service, Saturday, December 24

Saturday, December 24 at 5:00pm-“Christmas Eve with Our Hopedale Family.” We’ll gather together in community with friends and family to sing songs, to share stories, and to praise the great mysteries and miracles of life. May the magic of this special night renew our hopes for a more peaceful and compassionate world. This special service … Continued

Service This Sunday, December 18

Correction! December 18-“Winter Solstice.” December 18 – “Winter Solstice” –Winter Solstice is a time of renewal, peace and interconnectedness. Join us as we explore the meaning of our darkest day of the year with an interactive service that will include a fun activity for our bird friends. Dress prepared to spend a just few minutes outside … Continued

Service this Sunday, December 11

December 11-“Making Peace with the Prince of Peace.”  As we contemplate this upcoming celebration of Christmas, is it possible to move beyond the age-old arguments of who Jesus was (God or human or both)? What might happen if we focused more on what he did and what his story calls us to do?  We’ll explore … Continued

Service This Sunday, December 4

December 4-“People Working for Peace in the Middle East.”  Guest speaker Randy Wilson will discuss her recent trip as  part of a delegation with Interfaith Peace-Builders to meet with Israelis and Palestinians working for peace. She will tell the stories of people she met with and how they are bridging the divide and what we … Continued

Service This Sunday, November 27

November 27 “Creating Messages of Gratitude” In what do you place your trust? What sustains you in difficult times? What are you most thankful for in life? This experiential service, created by our Student Minister and based on a spiritual exercise by the Rev. Lisa Ward, will offer you the chance to compose a message of … Continued

Service This Sunday, November 20

November 20 “Sharing Thanksgiving.” Meditation and music, thoughts of sharing and service. Guest at Your Table boxes will be distributed. Service Leader: Celia Ellison. Canvass campaign concludes with a thanksgiving dinner.

Service This Sunday, November 13

November 13 “Everybody’s Crazy But Me.” More than once on Star Trek the crew awoke to find themselves in some alternative universe or timeline. Gradually they discovered that things just weren’t right and they had to invent some way to get back to where they belonged. In our spiritual quest to accept other people, sometimes it … Continued