
Service This Sunday, November 6

November 6 “Herding Turtles.” In the midst of a lengthy meandering Board meeting Alan Miller, who was president of the congregation at the time, remarked, “Organizing Unitarian Universalists is like herding turtles.” This Sunday the Reverend Chris Buice, who was ordained by this congregation and who served us as student minister from 1995-98, will return to … Continued

Concert to Benefit Kiva

Bryan Bowers, autoharp master, singer, songwriter and storyteller, will perform at the Hopedale UU Community on Sunday, November 13, 8pm. Tickets are $15.00 ($10.00 for seniors). To reserve your tickets and get more information call (513) 280-1044 or email liz.woedl@gmail.com.  Send payment to: Hopedale UU Community, PO Box 625, Oxford, OH 45056. For directions to the HUUC go to http://huuc1990.wordpress.com/directions/. The proceeds from … Continued

Empty Bowls, November 5

Empty Bowls is scheduled for Saturday, November 5, 2011, 11:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. at the Oxford United Methodist Church. Proceeds will be donated to the Oxford Community ChoicePantry to support its effort to provide food to local families in need.  The cost is $10 adults; children 10 and under may choose and fill a bowl for free. To find out … Continued

Standing Together on the Side of Love

Members of the Hopedale UU Community were participants in the Unite Miami: Love is Our Resistance event on the Miami University Campus on October 25. It was heartwarming to see so many students, faculty and others in the larger community turn out for an afternoon of affirmed support for our GLBTQ neighbors and friends. There … Continued

Service this Sunday, October 31st

October 30-“Reflections.” Thoreau’s thoughts on living deliberately and deeply provide the context for our sharing. What inspires me to aspire? Who is my model for living life fully? What sustains and renews me? We’ll honor the poems, memories, testimonials, and keepsakes revealing our stories and hard-earned wisdom. Service leaders: Cindie Ulreich and Sallie Killian.

Service AND Congregational meeting this Sunday, October 23

October 23-“Goblins and Witches and Zombies, Oh My!”  Second only to Christmas, Hallowe’en is the most popular of holidays among Americans. Trick or treating, haunted houses, and scary movies abound this time of year. We’ll explore the spiritual dimensions behind the ways we celebrate Hallowe’en and what they might say about how we understand death … Continued

Association Sunday this Sunday, October 16

“Why Hopedale? Acceptance and Growth.”  Is Hopedale Community a place where you come for comfort, affirmation and refuge from the difficulties of life?  Or is it a place where you expect to have your assumptions challenged, your faith expanded and your life transformed? To be a vital religious community, the answers these questions really must … Continued

Association Sunday Giving

On Sunday, October 16, Hopedale will join other Unitarian Universalist congregations across the country in celebrating “Association Sunday.” Please join us on October 16 and look for the special donation envelopes in your Order of Service.

Service This Sunday, October 9

”We are a liberal faith community: an open letter to the Hopedale Community.”  I want YOU to STAND on the side of Love. Imagine Uncle Sam pointing his finger at you. Now replace Uncle Sam with the face of your church. Other churches feel comfortable identifying themselves. It’s not just a matter of promotion, its … Continued

Blessing of the Beasts

You are invited to participate in a “Blessing of the Beasts” service at Old Stone Riding Center on Saturday, October 8 at 5:30. Participants are welcome to bring well behaved 4 legged friends. (Horses are being blessed too and we want to keep everyone safe!) There will be a short vaulting demonstration and pony rides available before the … Continued