
Sunday Service, October 2

October 2-”Judgment, Repentance, Atonement.” Judgment, repentance and atonement are not terms we Unitarian Universalists often say. In this week between the Jewish High Holidays of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, we’ll examine how acknowledging our failings and offering forgiveness to ourselves and others can help us become more at peace with the world. A time of … Continued

Service This Sunday, September 25

“Learning to Lead or What I Learned at Summer Camp (UU Midwest Leadership School)” – Jennifer Blue and Genevieve O’Malley-Knight.  Join Jennifer and Genevieve to learn about their experiences this summer at UU Midwest Leadership School at Beloit College, in lovely Beloit, Wisc. Genevieve was in her second year as a leader (after attending as … Continued

Peace Pole comes to Hopedale

Part of Hopedale’s weekly spoken affirmation is “to dwell together in peace.” Our new Peace Pole is a reminder that we seek peace not only among our congregation, but throughout the world. Thanks to everyone who gathered for Sept. 4’s circle worship “On Love’s Side,” and on 9/11 for Bruce Beisner’s service on “Peacemakers in … Continued

Service This Sunday, September 18th

“Stuck Together With God’s Glue.”  Our Unitarian Universalist principles affirm and promote “respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.” To me, this principle is foundational to our liberal faith perspective.  Along my spiritual journey, I have come to believe that we are deeply connected to every person and … Continued

CROP Walk, 9/17

Oxford’s annual CROP Walk will be held September 17, at 10:00 a.m. beginning at Millett Hall. Ending Hunger one Step at a Time is this year’s theme. When you walk, you walk with the world! This year we can walk on the web. Check it out on Hopedale’s CROP Walk page. Join the team or make a donation. This year one quarter … Continued

Service this Sunday, September 11th.

“Being Peacemakers in a World of Violence.”  Ten years ago this month, we were shocked and saddened by the horrific events in New York, Washington and in rural Pennsylvania. The attacks of 9/11 caused fear and anxiety to envelop our nation and began a chain of events which had consequences we still live with a … Continued

Helping Hopedale

As we begin a new program year at Hopedale, many of us are returning from summer breaks and renewing the routine of the school year. At this time, I feel called to help us renew our commitments to the everyday routine things that help keep the Hopedale community vibrant and welcoming. There are three routine … Continued

Welcome to September! This Sunday, September 4 at Hopedale

September 4-“On Love’s Side: Preparing for 9/11/11.” On Love’s Side: Preparing for 9/11/11. We anticipate a difficult week for everyone in advance of the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. We come together this Sunday with song and reflection as we contemplate what it means right now to be standing on the side of love. The … Continued

This Sunday, August 28, at Hopedale.

August 28-“Gathering of the Waters.” As part of our annual end-of-summer ingathering service, you are invited to BRING SOME WATER WITH YOU from a source that has special meaning in your life. We will share our stories and pour our water together in a ritual symbolizing our interdependence and bond as a spiritual community. Please … Continued

This Sunday at Hopedale, August 21

August 21-“Naming and Claiming Our Faith.” During a 1992 vice-presidential debate, Admiral James Stockdale famously asked “Who am I? Why am I here?” He got a lot of heat for seeming to not know what he was doing. But in fact, do any of us really know for sure? For his first service and sermon … Continued