
This Sunday at Hopedale, August 14

Sunday, August 14, 10:30 – 11:30am, Seeking Solutions. We’ll gain a broader understanding of immigration from a faith-based perspective, and from our UU tradition and consider ways in which we can achieve a policy on immigration that is in keeping with Unitarian Universalist principles. We will have a special guest, Dr. Shelly Jarrett Bromberg, Associate … Continued

This Sunday at Hopedale, August 7

August 7 – STUDY ACTION SUMMER “Who Benefits from a Broken System?” We’ll discuss how immigration does not necessarily hurt U.S. workers, how corporations benefit from cheap labor and how corporations benefit from the business of enforcement.  Leader:  Liz Woedl.

• Bruce Beisner Comes to Hopedale

At its July 2011 meeting, the Hopedale Board accepted the recommendation of the Ministerial Search Committee and voted to offer a half-time, student minister position to R. Bruce Beisner. He has since accepted the position and the contract negotiations have been completed. Bruce Beisner is in his final year at the Meadville-Lombard Theological School and … Continued

Bryan Bowers Tickets on Sale

Autoharp Master, Bryan Bowers will visit Hopedale on Sunday, November 13, 8pm. Word is getting out, the phone is ringing and tickets are starting to move! Tickets are going for $15, $10 for seniors. Proceeds will go to the Kiva projects supported by our Gathering to Give (G2G) group. For more information go to Hopedale’s … Continued

This Sunday at Hopedale, July 31

July 31 –  “RENDITIONS OF THE CROSS”  Join us to discuss the powerful meaning different cultures have applied to the symbol of the cross.  Bring your own “cross to bear”  and stories of your “crosses” to share with each other.  Julie Bath Primack will lead our meditations/discussions on the cross with her experience with the … Continued

Sunday Service, June 19: 10:30 a.m. “Solstice Celebration.”

Libby Earle will help us celebrate the Summer Solstice with a fire circle and rituals and stories.  The celebration will be followed by a potluck.  This is an INTERGENERATIONAL service. Nursery and child care available. Social hour follows. Dress is casual.