
Sunday Service: “Your One wild and Precious Life”

The poet Mary Oliver asked us, “What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” At the start of the new year that’s a good question to ask (or revisit). How do we choose what to do? Do we have meaningful work (paid or otherwise)? What’s the purpose of our … Continued

Sunday Service: “Grief and Loss”

Our society tends to think that good times are the norm, but trials and tribulations are part of the fabric of everyone’s life. As we enter the darkness of winter following all our celebrations of light, let us think together about strategies for getting through those difficult times and ways we can help each other. … Continued

Sunday Gathering: “New Year’s Eve”

All ages will gather in the building at our usual time, but not for a typical service.  Instead, bring leftovers, table-top games, and cards to enjoy each other’s fellowship as we close out another year together.  We’ll have games for those joining us by Zoom, too!  Service leader:  Jennifer Blue and the Sunday Service Committee.

Sunday Service: “Christmas Eve”

We will have our intergenerational service of lessons and carols, mostly carols, at our regular meeting time, 10:30 a.m.  Please bring Christmas cookies to share after the service.  Note that we will NOT be having an additional service in the evening.  Service leader:  Jennifer Blue

Sunday Service: “Receiving Generously” 

We will use a service provided by our MidAmerica Region: “We usually think about giving generously, but we think less often about what it means to receive generously.  Since we crave having our gifts seen, acknowledged, confirmed, it is an act of generosity to each other to receive each other’s gifts.  Together, we can create … Continued

Sunday Service: “How is the Practice of Music a Spiritual Discipline?” 

Practicing music is richer than just learning, playing or singing the notes more or less correctly.  It can be setting apart a special time, away from the activities of daily life, to become more aware of how creating sounds and listening mindfully to them may bring one into a transforming presence.  We UUs consider six … Continued

Sunday Service: “Thanksgiving Leftovers.”  

This intergenerational service will feature some of the messages and themes from our Thanksgiving services from past years, including the tossing around of our Gratitude Ball of Yarn. Presenter and service leader: Celia Ellison CONGREGATIONAL MEETING AFTER THE SERVICE. You might bring some actual leftovers to augment social hour!

Sunday Service: “Solar Cookers International (SCI)”  

Ruth Holton-Hodson, Vice President of SCI, will discuss solar cooker basics, SCI’s project in  one of the world’s largest refugee camps, its renown solar cooking database, and how SCI is advocating for the adoption of solar cookers to improve the lives of vulnerable populations worldwide. Service Leader: Peggy Branstrator Children’s RE: Class time during the … Continued