Music plays a very important role in our Sunday morning worship and is often a part of our religious education programs and special events.

Music in Worship

We often begin and end our Sunday worship services with instrumental music appropriate for prayer, reflection, or meditation. Instrumental music is sometimes featured during our services as well. Our choir often performs an anthem (a piece with lyrics that complement the service’s theme) and/or an offertory (a piece performed while our members and friends may choose to offer monetary donations). Throughout most services, our congregation typically joins in singing several hymns, most often selected from the UU hymnals Singing the Living Tradition and Singing the Journey.


Choir membership requires only a person’s sincere interest in joining a lively vocal music ministry and rehearsing with the group for about 45 minutes prior to most Sunday morning services. Our choir accepts new members of all musical skill levels, year-round. No audition is necessary. For more information, please contact Hopedale Choir Director Patty Klingenberg.