Sunday Service: “Created or Evolved? How Darwin’s Work Changed the Women’s Rights Movement”

It’s likely that even lifelong Unitarian Universalists have read at least the beginning of the Book of Genesis and have some familiarity with its creation story. Do we get our idea of gender roles from the model of Adam and Eve? Are they ordained by God? Or – are people animals who have evolved over … Continued

Sunday Service: “Water is the Medium of Life” 

The properties of water make it a most amazing chemical, and of course essential for biological life. However, water has special spiritual significance, important for the life of most religions. Both topics will be explored. Presenter and service leader: Neil Danielson. Children’s RE: Class Day during the service. Monthly Potluck following the service.

Sunday Service: “This I Believe”

As Unitarian Universalists we affirm and promote a free and responsible search for truth and meaning; thus, we do not always believe the same things as one another, even as we worship together. Join service leader Celia Ellison as we hear about the personal religious beliefs of three of our congregants: Brian Hanley; Kyle Hutchinson; … Continued

Fallin’ into Hopedale” Festival

This will be a multigenerational fall mixer, open to the public, including kids’ activities, hayrides, food in a big tent, a fire circle, and short talks about what it is to be a UU and why we love Hopedale. We hope to see you there!

Sunday Service: “Side with Love Climate Justice”

Hopedale will participate in the UUA’s Sunday service, a celebration of joy in the work of building a just world where all can thrive. We will use structured workshop materials to support our work toward Green Sanctuary. We will develop RE offerings where our community works to understand levels of risk from climate disasters and … Continued

We are proud to offer multi-platform (both in-person and Zoom) services weekly.  There is no need to RSVP for in-person attendance at this time.

To read more about our in-person guidelines, see our explanation & chart.