Sunday Service: Swedish Death Cleaning

How much stuff do you have? How much of that will your descendants want? I look around my own house and see some things that mean something only to me – some of those came from my parents or my ex-husband’s parents, and I suspect none of that will be interesting to my stepson after … Continued

Sunday Service: Thinking Together in a Divided World

When we make decisions about what to do and how to act in the world, we often draw on what we know and seek knowledge in order to make informed decisions.  More and more, however, it seems that what one person thinks they know, another person will claim is “fake” and not really knowledge at … Continued

Sunday Service: The Heart of the Matter

On the final Sunday of National Hearth Month, join Diane Wright as we consider the human heart.  We’ll explore the figurative and literal ways the heart keeps us going. Presenter:  Diane Wright; Service leader: Kelsey Lovelace Children’s RE: Class Day

We are proud to offer multi-platform (both in-person and Zoom) services weekly.  There is no need to RSVP for in-person attendance at this time.

To read more about our in-person guidelines, see our explanation & chart.